NCANDA-Pittsburgh is located at the University of Pittsburgh in the Department of Psychiatry, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. Our research group studies adolescent substance use disorders, including etiology, prevention, treatment, consequences and long-term outcomes. For NCANDA-Pittsburgh, we are working with our School of Public Health to recruit subjects through a phone call sampling procedure. Our neuroimaging center, the Magnetic Resonance Research Center, is located in the Department of Radiology. In addition to the core measures, NCANDA-Pittsburgh will collaborate on two supplemental studies. We will collaborate with NCANDA-Duke in a study utilizing functional MRI to examine cerebral activation during a reward modulated anti-saccade task to study alcohol effects on reward responding and behavioral inhibition. We will also collaborate with NCANDA-SRI in a laboratory sleep study to examine the effects of alcohol on adolescent sleep architecture.
Duncan B. Clark, M.D., Ph.D. - NCANDA-Pittsburgh Co-Principal Investigator. Dr. Clark is Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh.
Beatriz Luna, Ph.D. - Co-Principal Investigator of NCANDA-Pittsburgh. Dr. Luna is Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh.
Peter Franzen, Ph.D. - Co-Investigator of NCANDA-Pittsburgh. Dr. Franzen is Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh.
Brant Hasler, Ph.D. - Co-Investigator of NCANDA-Pittsburgh. Dr. Hasler is Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh.
Claudiu Schirda, Ph.D. - Co-Investigator of NCANDA-Pittsburgh. Dr. Schirda is Assistant Professor and MR Physicist at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
Christina Long, M.B.A., Administrative Manager.
Doug Fitzgerald, Database Manager.
Damara Walters, Lead RA/ Project Manager
Mailing Address:
WPIC (Oxford 800)
3811 O’Hara Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Phone: 412-246-6913
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