NCANDA-OHSU is located in Portland, Oregon at Oregon Health & Science University in the Department of Psychiatry. Our research group has focused on understanding the development of executive, emotional, reward-based, and resting-state networks in the developing brain and how perturbations to these systems may result in a heightened vulnerability for psychopathology during the adolescent years. For the NCANDA project, we are a data collection site, bringing 150 participants into our lab on a yearly basis to see how their brains, cognition, and behaviors change over time and with the use of drugs and alcohol. We aim toward understanding the influence of alcohol on adolescent brain circuitry and at delineating risk-related abnormalities in developing adolescent brain networks. Understanding the neural phenotypes associated with increased risk for alcoholism and the potentially deleterious impact of alcohol on the neural connections in the adolescent brain could aid in the development of targeted strategies aimed at reducing adolescent alcohol drinking behaviors.
Bonnie J. Nagel, Ph.D. - NCANDA-OHSU Principal Investigator. Dr. Nagel is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience at Oregon Health & Science University.
Scott Jones, Ph.D. - Co-Investigator of NCANDA-OHSU. Dr. Jones is a Data Analyst at Oregon Health & Science University.
Angelica Morales, Ph.D. - Co-Investigator on NCANDA-OHSU. Dr. Morales is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Oregon Health & Science University.
Kristina Hernandez, M.A. - Lab Manager
Kalene Dominguez-Savage, B.S. - Project Coordinator on NCANDA-OHSU
Birgitta Carlson, B.S. - Research Assistant on NCANDA-OHSU
Elisa Macera, B.A. - Research Assistant on NCANDA-OHSU
Mailing Address:
Developmental Brain Imaging Lab
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd.
Portland, OR 97239

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