We have designed the NCANDA Administrative Resource to be the hub of core decision making for the NCANDA, to build collaborative effort and communication, to maximize efficiency, and to allow for ongoing creativity and rapid dissemination of findings to the scientific community and public. In particular, the NCANDA Administrative Resource provides the organizational framework for management, direction, and overall coordination of the consortium, including the Scientific Advisory Board, Steering Committee, National Community Advisory Board, Dispute Resolution Process, as well as subcommittees of these organizations. This Resource facilitates communication between Research Project sites (UCSD, Duke, SRI, Pittsburgh, OHSU) and Data Analysis Resource. The Administrative Resource coordinates protocol refinement, cross-site standardization, and reliability, including training and implementation of neuropsychological and clinical assessments, and ongoing reliability/integrity evaluation. A primary responsibility of the Resource is to assess and ensure progress towards consortium goals and facilitate decisions regarding future directions in collaboration with the Steering Committee and Program Advisory Board. Resource leadership designs and implements policies and procedures for access to collaborative project resources. In these ways, the NCANDA Administrative Resource ensures the quality of the science being conducted and the success of our efforts to understand the impact of alcohol on neurodevelopment of youth.
Sandra A. Brown, Ph.D. is the NCANDA Consortium Co-Director and Co-Principal Investigator for the NCANDA Administrative Resource. Dr. Brown is a Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry & Psychology at UC San Diego.
Susan F. Tapert, Ph.D. is the NCANDA Consortium Co-Director, Co-Principal Investigator for the NCANDA Administrative Resource, and the Principal Investigator of the NCANDA-UCSD Site. Dr. Tapert is a licensed clinical psychologist and Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at UC San Diego.
Ty Brumback, Ph.D. is a Co-Investigator for the Administrative Resource of NCANDA and an Assistant Professor at Xavier University, School of Psychology.
Duncan B. Clark, M.D., Ph.D. is the NCANDA-Pittsburgh site Principal Investigator and Associate Director for the Administrative Resource of NCANDA. Dr. Clark is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh.
Bonnie J. Nagel, Ph.D. is the NCANDA-OHSU site Principal Investigator and Associate Director for the Administrative Resource of NCANDA. Dr. Nagel is a Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, Vice Chair for Research in Psychiatry, and Director of the Center for Mental Health Innovation at Oregon Health & Science University
Marc Schuckit, M.D. is a Co-Investigator for the Administrative Resource of NCANDA and a Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at UC San Diego.
Kevin Cummins, Ph.D., is a Senior Statistician and Co-Investiagor for the Administrative Resource of NCANDA. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Health at California State University, Fullerton.
The NCANDA Program Advisory Board (PAB) is comprised of 6 scientists. These senior scientists bring internationally recognized expertise in developmental neuroscience, addictions, neurocognition, child and adolescent mental health disorders (internalizing and externalizing disorders), behavioral genetics, multisystem and multisite data integration and harmonization, and longitudinal data analysis. These individuals, along with consultants for the Administrative Resource, provide external oversight and guidance in areas of adolescent alcohol use, mental health, neuroimaging, neuropsychological assessment, and cross site integration of data. Current members include:
Andrea Hussong, Ph.D. , (PAB Chair), Professor and Director of Developmental Science, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.
Ken Sher, Ph.D. , Chancellor's Professor and Curators' Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Missouri.
Andrew Heath, , Spencer T. Olin Professor of Psychology, Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis.
Marisa M. Silveri, Ph.D. , Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School. >
Kenneth Leonard, Ph.D. , Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University at Bufffalo.
Pilar Sanjuan, Ph.D. , Associate Professor, University of New Mexico.
Mary Devereaux, Ph.D. is assistant director of the UC San Diego Research Ethics Program and director of the UC San Diego Biomedical Ethics Seminars.
Sonja Eberson, M.A. is a Senior Administrator and Lab Manager for the NCANDA-UCSD site.
Mailing Address:
Dr. Susan Tapert
Professor of Psychiatry
UC San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive (0603)
La Jolla, CA 92093-0603

Administrative Resource Contact:
Sonja Eberson, M.A.
Phone: 760-703-1367